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Calling All Future Brides!

Are you wanting to look and feel your best on your big day, but not sure where to begin?

Here, at SkinLab Charleston we have the answer. We can create a customized bridal plan just for you, leading up to the big day.

Planning and timing are key when it comes to your skincare journey. Whether you are opting for clearer skin, better texture, improved overall appearance or wanting to try Botox or lip filler for the first time, timing is everything. We recommend mapping out a plan starting at least 12 months until the day.

Timing is important because you want to get your skin on a proper skincare regime, along with the proper treatments, to allow for improvement in the skin. Skin cell renewal can take an average of 28 to 42 days depending on your age, and the older you get the renewal slows down.

Treatments can jumpstart the skin’s exfoliation process, encouraging faster cellular turnover. Faster cellular turnover means improved fine lines, wrinkles, texture, skin tone, fewer blemishes and so on.

When it comes to injectables, like Botox starting at around six to nine months before is best, especially if this is your first-time trying Botox. It takes about two weeks to set in and is suggested every three to four months for maintenance. this with the appropriate time in mind will allow you to decide what you like and don’t like, giving you plenty of time to make a little tweak if needed. With treatments like fillers, starting around three to six months is an ideal amount of time, even though you will see instant results, it can take around four weeks to settle, and there is minimal downtime of up to a week. Starting early can let you know if you want a little more, or if less is more. Everyone is different, so filler can last anywhere from six to twelve months, so you can never start too early.

If you are looking to do a more advanced treatment to take the skin’s rejuvenation up a notch, treatments such as microneedling or lasers, should be done at around the six-month mark. This is to ensure ample downtime and to really see the benefits around the time of the big day.

Another thing to remember would be to not try any kind of new treatment within the three-month range. Introducing something new could potentially be too risky and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Your last facial treatment should be about three to four weeks away to avoid any potential purging. And, if you have started early enough your skin should have the results you set out to achieve. At SkinLab Charleston we are here to help you along the way of your skincare journey by offering medical grade treatments that are result driven! Schedule your consultation with any of our licensed professionals to get on the plan that is best for you! Timing is everything.

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